How To Get Ash Guide

Getting Ash – especially as a new player – can be very confusing and frustrating. You’re accustomed to getting new Warframes simply by playing through the star chart and killing bosses or … Read more

Ash Prime Builds Guide

Ash is one of the first Warframes ever released and changed quite a bit over the years. Sadly, nowadays Ash isn’t really used all that much and you rarely see him in random groups and even less in premade groups.

This is mostly due to the fact that his skill set is really really REALLY slow. Unless you play solo, most of the time your enemies are already dead before you can execute your combo.

But as one of the first space ninjas Ash has a really cool and unique skill set that in its core describes really well what Warframe used to be – an assassin based action game with lots of killing.

If you do want to know more about how you can get your hands on this Warframe, we recommend reading through our ‘How to get Ash’ guide!

Read moreAsh Prime Builds Guide